معرض لاكزا لمعارض الاثاث و الديكور فى مصر يقام كل عام يضم معارض من مختلف الدول
متى سوف يبدأ لاكازا؟
فى الفترة من 26الى 29 من شهر يونيو 2009
يوم 26 من الساعه 2م الى 12ص
ويوم 27/28/29 فى الفترة من الساعه 12 م الى 12 ص
اين يقام معرض لاكازا؟
فى مركز القاهرة الدولى للمؤتمرات بمدينة نصر فى القاهرة -مصر
؟When is La Casa 2009 being held and what are the daily visiting hours
La Casa will be held on 26 - 29 June 2009
daily. Visiting hours: 26 June from 2:00 pm and 27, 28, 29 June from 12:00 pm to 12:00 am
Where will La Casa be held?
At The Cairo International Conference Center, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt
Dear Guests,
Welcome to La Casa in its 26th Round. It is as always a privilege to receive you all in the International Furniture & Decoration Exhibition, La Casa, held from 26 to 29th June 2009 at the Cairo International Conference Center.
La Casa’s Slogan this year is “Create Your Dream Home”. It is giving you all the opportunity to make your choice from a wide selection of both classic and modern styles, all under one roof. It is doing so by gathering the biggest names in the world of furniture, decoration and home accessories, so that you can save the time and energy of visiting them separately and you can have the whole variety right there where you can mix, match and make your comparisons.
We truly wish you a great time in La Casa, and hope we lived up to our motto by allowing you to create your dream home.
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